Category Archives: Ch3 swimming Equipment and You

Flippers= Dolphin/Fins=…

How to wear your swim gear.
How to wear your swim gear. I call them flippers because flippers = dolphin and fins =shark. The most famous dolphin I know is/was Flipper. I am dolphin yes I am when I have flippers on and not stealth potential assassin. I also suffer the same quiet large feet envy that I do with hands due to having small feet that are useless absolutely useless, nothing to do with kicking technique of course, that’s obviously flawless like all other swim novices kicking their little hearts out and goin’ nowhere down the pool. Ohh its such a despondent moment mid lane and the clock keeps circling…kick kick kick!
I always of think the flipper as the most animated of swimming gear.
I always of think the flipper as the most animated of swimming gear. More flippers to come.

Googles Explained.

Swimming gear Ch3 continues with the most essential piece of equipment required for a chlorinated pool-GOOGLES. Just try swimming without them if you doubt their relevance.
Swimming gear Ch3 continues with the most essential piece of equipment required for a chlorinated pool-GOOGLES. Just try swimming without them if you doubt their relevance.  Best to avoid scheduling meetings after a swim session due to marks left behind scenario, similar to the random salt water nose drip in a post surf meeting. Also not to be confused with Google or googled. They help you to see a very straightforward black line not a complex interwoven world of information. Googles go walkabout quite frequently in our house and we buy many many pairs throughout the year and find them again in very bizarre locations.